Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful…

  • for cooler weather. Cool means 85 degrees, but that is much better than 98

  • that my brother and niece will be visiting this weekend. It’s been too long since we seen them

  • that I finally know where Ashley will be going to high school this year

  • that all Chip’s college tuition is paid and books are bought for this upcoming semester

  • that the summer is winding down. One of my children REALLY needs to go back to school!

  • that I met a GREAT vision teacher this week – a school district employee that actually puts the student first

  • for the handsome hawk that is still kicking a** and taking squirrel names in my yard

  • that I have some small steaks marinating, waiting to be cooked on the grill for tonight’s dinner

  • that one of our two pumpkin plants is still alive

  • that my car is still functioning – it’s a day to day situation, and even though to me it’s a clunker, to the government it’s one mile over the clunker limit.


  1. Great list of good things! I just posted my first Thankful Thursday today, so we are definitely thinking alike. :)

  2. Can I please borrow your hawk when he's done snacking in your neighbourhood? Please?


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