Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful...

  • that even though this is the day from hell at work, I have found a few minutes to post my thankful thoughts. Who needs to eat lunch anyway?

  • that Chip has survived his first class at college. He was so anxious this morning that I felt like giving him a tranquilizer. (I didn't!)

  • that there is only one more week of ESY services for Ashley. While the bulk of her summer services were great, these last two weeks with an unqualified teacher have been horrible.

  • for the big red Hanover tomato my boss brought to me this morning

  • for my friends Lynnette and Jackie who never tire of hearing me complain about my school district

  • for the free chocolate chip cookie I won in the Subway Scrabble game

  • for the great visit I had with my brother and niece last weekend. Those weekends just never seem long enough nor do they come frequently enough

  • that I survived yet another chapter of Ashley's most recent IEP meeting yesterday. Are we any closer to having an IEP in place for the start of the upcoming school year? Not sure...


  1. Hi there,

    I just started reading your blog today. I found it by following someone else's blogroll. My son is legally blind, and I've been having trouble finding other parents of blind children. I was wondering if you'd mind if I added you to my blogroll.


  2. I would love if you added me too! Thanks so much. I hope planning the IEP goes as smoothly as possible. I hear those can be tough. Honestly I'm not looking forward to the school years..


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...