Sunday, September 27, 2009

For Azaera

Azaera asked me for two things last week, and I am honored to oblige :)

First, I had mentioned in my Thankful Thursday post that I loved dinners that could be prepared in under 30 minutes. Azaera asked me to share some recipes. Well, here's the first - super simple and quick meatloaf muffins:

You will need 1 box of Stove Top Stuffing Mix - any flavor will do, 2 eggs, 1 cup of water, and 2 pounds of ground beef or turkey. Just mix all the ingredients together and fill 12 muffin tins with the mixture. Make sure to coat the muffin tins with cooking spray first, especially if you are using turkey. Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 30 minutes.

With the muffins, I serve boiled new potatoes - no need to peel them - just chop, boil, drain and season however you like. Our favorite is salt, pepper and some chopped fresh chives from our herb garden. For something green, I steam brocolli in the microwave - that way it keeps more of its good vitamins. And then if your family is like mine and always wants bread of some sort with dinner, I serve leftover biscuits or store bought rolls.

Azaera, I'll post more in the near future!

Azaera's second request was for some more pictures of Ashley. Ok, well just twist my arm!! Here are some that were taken over the summer:


  1. Thanks for the quick meals tip. This sounds like something perfect for our busy family. I love the additional pictures too.

  2. Meatloaf muffins sound fabulous. Do you have to brown the ground turkey first?

  3. If ever write a book, the top right hand photo would be a perfect cover photo! Its just so perfect!!


  4. Oooh, those sound yummy. I think I foresee making them and then freezing the extras, for even more quick meals! :)

  5. Erin, no, you don't brown the meat first. Just mix it all together and bake.

    Heather, I have frozen them and they are just as good the second time around!

  6. Thank you!!! She's just so lovely!! And I can't wait to try the recipes :D


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