Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Special Exposure Wednesday

Most of the time I can figure out why my kids do some of the strange things they do. But this one I just can't.

Yesterday morning, I went to wake Ashley. It was still pretty dark - I was still half asleep - and at first glance all I saw was the green of her sheet. I looked around her room and couldn't find her. I started to panic but glanced again at the bed. I saw a lump under that green sheet!

Ashley had pulled all the covers off her bed, and then crawled up under the fitted sheet.

Be sure to check out all the other Special Exposure Wednesday shots at 5 Minutes For Special Needs!


  1. Funny. Once I couldn't find my toddler daughter anywhere. She would fall asleep anywhere and anytime. I went to all the usual places. Finally found her on the couch under all the clean laundry I was stacking.

  2. Hehe cute! When I was a kid I used to go hide in my mom's clothes closet on top of her blankie and fall asleep. I'm sure I scared her at least a few times with my disappearing act.. Of course at the time that wasn't what I was trying to do.

  3. son can sleep anywhere too!


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