Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Better late than never I always say...Today I am thankful...

  • for friends like Sara who came to stay with Ash so I didn't have to take her with me to Jessica's Social Security office appointment

  • that I got three closets cleaned out today!

  • for a house with plenty of closet space!

  • that dinner is cooked and waiting in the crock pot - barbecued country style pork ribs

  • for the lovely cool mornings we have had this week. I've been able to open the windows and hear the birds singing

  • that Ashley has been letting me sleep about an hour longer the past three mornings. I feel like a new woman!

  • that Chip is starting to settle into college life

  • for the very long weekend I am taking - I am off from work from Wednesday of this week through Monday of next week

Hope you are all having Thankful Thursdays too!

1 comment:

  1. You know what I thought today while watching an episode of CSI (where a victim looks like a werewolf when he actually has a leftover gene from our fore fathers) and I thought, with all the things we've accomplished and found cures for why can't we find a cure for ignorance and superstition. It's the kind of thing i find mind boggling. It may come from being Deaf, it may come from working with special needs children, I hope it comes from me being human. I'm sure this is something you agree with. Any ways it made me think of you :)



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