Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful…

  • that I got my lettuce and spinach seeds planted and am starting to see some tiny little shoots of plants. I’ve never planted a Fall garden before, so this ought to be interesting.

  • that Ashley seems to be feeling much better as she recovers from her most recent ear infections.

  • that when an old school friend posted something on Facebook yesterday about short school buses and students with disabilities which offended me, he removed it once I brought it to his attention.

  • that my most recent post on 5 Minutes For Special Needs about holding hands with your teenager with a disability generated so much thoughtful commenting. We didn’t all agree by any stretch of the imagination, but we all discussed respectfully.

  • that it is Thursday – which means tomorrow is Friday – which means only one more day to the weekend! (not that I am anxious or anything)

  • that it is almost soup season again. I can wait to cook up a crockpot full of a warm, hearty soup on a call Fall day.

  • that Corey finally got his hair cut

  • that Jordan won the ½ million on Big Brother and that Luke chose Tali on More To Love

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