Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful…

  • for flu shots. I know they don’t always keep me from getting the flu, but each year I’m hoping that will be true.

  • that Dancing With The Stars and **MAKS** are back on tv

  • for good books that keep me up too late at night

  • for dinners that can be made in less than 30 minutes and still taste good

  • that the lovely Miss Brooke is feeling better

  • that Ashley has been sleeping pretty well for the last few nights

  • for Dr. Wright, Ashley’s pediatrician. She is so thorough, so nice, and so very caring of children with special needs

  • for Jessica’s person centered planning team. It warms a mother’s heart to know that other people care so much for your children


  1. Thankful for your post...always good to see what other people are thankful for. Me? Mark Harmon is back on NCIS! Jonathan's I.E.P. went well. For my wonderful husband, who'll I'll give my top five reasons for adoring in one of my blogs tomorrow. For my adorable daughter! For my handsome teenage son! For my hilarious middle son with all his issues!...

  2. Care to share the recipes for these quick dinners? ;) And I'm thankful today for awesome pediatric opthamologists. I hope you'll post a new picture of Ashley sometime soon, she's such a lovely girl!


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