Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Disability Doesn't Equate With Inability

That statement in the title of this post was made by Nancy Starnes, director of external affairs for the Washington-based National Organization on Disability upon hearing that a statue honoring Helen Keller would be placed in the U.S. Capitol's National Statuary Hall.

According to the Alabama Governor's office, a statue commemorating Keller's 1887 communication breakthrough (her "w-a-t-e-r" moment) will be the first statue in the Capitol of a person with a disability, as well as the first of a child.

Also according to the Governor of Alabama, the statue will show there are "no limits to what people can accomplish".

Hear, hear!

Check out the full story on CNN.

Today I am thankful for the adoption support group I will attend this evening.

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