Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Special Exposure Wednesday

The evil H1N1 flu has hit our house...but at least Ashley was able to get some rest - even if it did require a thumb.

Be sure to visit all the other Special Exposure Wednesday shots at 5 Minutes For Special Needs!

Today I am thankful that Ashley seems to be over the worst of the flu. One more day at home and then back to school.


  1. Oh no. I hope Ashley is okay. Did she test positive for it? I am praying it does not hit our house.

  2. Which means her nose was not stuffed! Yeah! I hate not being able to breathe.

  3. I discovered your post from Attila the Mom. I sincerely hope you and Ashley recover rapidly from the dreaded swine flu.

  4. Sorry to hear she has been sick - I hope she recovers quickly.

  5. hope you and your family recover very quickly! love the sleeping thumb pic, very sweet :) Bron

  6. I hope it passes quickly and does not spread throughout the household.


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