Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Special Exposure Wednesday

It's time to start thinking about painting inside my house. It's been almost 10 years, and you no longer have to look closely to notice the need for freshening the paint. But how can I paint over this....??

Be sure to check out all the other Special Exposure Wednesday shots at 5 Minutes For Special Needs!

Today I am thankful for my family home. It's not perfect, but it's pretty darn close!


  1. I have friends that tore out the door framing and moved it from Texas to Colorado, because it had their children's heights through the years.

    Now they are measuring their young grandchildren against it.

    You are right, you can't paint over it!!!

  2. Oh don't paint over it. Paint everything else instead!

  3. Definitely need to keep that! What great memories!

  4. I was going to say the same thing as Deana!! I know lots of people who do that because it's a special piece of history that a photo can't capture!!!!


  5. You definitely can't paint over that!

  6. That is such a great memory! I was thinking of starting one of these myself and yes I agree definitely something you cannot paint over! I would paint a darker colour next to it to make it stand out even more!

  7. I was going to say either take it out or don't paint over it. I'm sure that you can find wonderful ideas on the Internet from creative people...not me.


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