Friday, January 15, 2010

Patrick Henry Hughes

Some of you may have seen this remarkable young man on Extreme Makeover Home Edition. I watched the show and fell in love with Patrick and his wonderful family. My brother shared this latest video featuring Patrick with me and now I want to share it with you. It's a great way to end the week on a positive note!

Happy long weekend, everyone!


  1. Beautiful video. Though I don't like the language used regarding the disabilities, it's still a really positive portrail.

  2. I saw that when he was on Extreme home makeover. Quite an amazing young man and family. They are also in a commercial...I can't remember but it might be an insurance commercial

  3. Dark Angel, I agree about the language. But the message is still wonderful.

  4. We saw him on Extreme Makeover and it is an insurance commercial, I don't remember which company.


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