Sunday, January 3, 2010

Plugged Back In

We survived! Our ‘unplugged’ week at a cabin in the woods was wonderful. I just can’t remember the last time I felt so relaxed. I definitely recommend this type of vacation to everyone. Here is my list of the best and worst of an ‘unplugged’ vacation:

The Best:

  • Four inches of snow on the ground made it really feel like Christmas. Having a park ranger come by each morning to sprinkle ice melt on the wheelchair ramp made it even more special.

  • Going to bed whenever we wanted – getting up whenever we wanted – napping whenever we wanted – the perfect antidote to stress!

  • Hot cocoa and peach pancakes tasted even better without the blare of television or the radio.

  • The ranger recommended we keep the thermostat set on 70 degrees. That’s about eight degrees higher than my thermostat at home. It was so toasty and I didn’t have to worry about the heating bill.

  • Because the cabin was relatively small – three bedrooms and a large kitchen/great room – everyone stayed in the same room during the day. At home, the kids are spread all over the house and it feels like we just pass in the hallways some days. It was nice to just be together as a family for much of the day.

  • With the hectic lives we all live, often we forget to sit and just talk – at least that is true for my family. But for our week away, we talked, really talked.

  • Chip kept a roaring fire going in the stone fireplace each day. There's nothing better than being snuggled on the couch watching the fire.

  • There were no laundry facilities. That meant I didn’t have to do my usual two loads each day. That in itself was a wonderful vacation.

  • We went exploring the country-side one day. It was fun to visit areas of the state we have never seen.

  • The wildlife was abundant, especially the wild turkeys. I guess since they made it alive through Christmas, they were feeling a bit cocky!

  • The handicapped bathroom was incredible. There was a roll-in shower with a little seat. Ashley took extra long showers each night, just sitting under the water and playing with the sprayer.

The Worst:

  • Well…ummm…well…I absolutely can’t think of anything. Except maybe that there was no dishwasher. I had to wash dishes by hand, for God’s sake


  1. looks and sounds great! was it here in Virginia?

  2. So glad you had such a wonderful holiday - and welcome back.

    Happy New Year!

  3. Nina, yes it was in Virginia - Cumberland County. The cabin was in Bear Creek Lake State Park - very, very pretty.

  4. Lovely! Welcome back and Happy New Year!

  5. We are so glad you enjoyed your stay at Bear Creek. Thanks for sharing with our readers too at the Virginia State Parks blog:


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