Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Special Exposure Wednesday

It's magic, this couch of mine. No matter who lies down on it - no matter what time of day or night - no matter if you thought you were tired or not - after 15 minutes on this counch, you will be sound asleep. Maybe the fabric originated with a drug lord who infused it with sleepy drugs. Or maybe it is like the poppy field from the Wizard of Oz. Whatever the answer, this is one extremely comfortable couch!

Be sure to visit all the other Special Exposure Wednesday blogs at 5 Minutes For Special Needs! I know I will as soon as I can get myself up off this couch!


  1. Wish I had a couch like that, the baby has taken over our bedroom and we often end up asleep on the couches because we just don't want to wake him. I tend to have to toss and turn quite a bit to fall asleep. So feel free to send that couch on over here ;P

  2. Maybe that's what is wrong with my couch! Every time I sit down to watch TV I fall asleep!

  3. Ah! I need a new one. The old one is frayed and worn and 2 cats and 2 teenagers are not helping with my preservation efforts. I can't find another that feels just right. Just call me Goldilocks :)

  4. LOL, Bitty thinks our couch is his extra bed too :). How nice to have a comfy spot like that!

  5. What a special couch. We have one which I hate the color. I hate sitting on it. I hate that it's too small to cuddle on. But it is an excellent place to nap.


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