Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Special Exposure Wednesday

This is not a picture that I took, but it's a picture I hope to be able to take many, many times in the future.

I told you last week about a young man, pictured below, I hoped to adopt, and I wrote about the major obstacles we are facing in trying to pull off that adoption. Nothing is resolved, but we are moving towards resolution. So, things are looking a little more hopeful at the moment. In fact, I will meet Johnny next week, and that is something I would not do if I didn't have faith that things will work out.

Please keep your prayers and positive thoughts coming!


  1. I am hoping that this will work out for you. I ran across a bunch of different grants last week when I was looking for writing assignments. It made me think about you and your adoption.

  2. You are in my thoughts and prayers -- he is a cute dude!

  3. Crossing all of my fingers and toes, and my legs and my eyes, plus throwing in a few prayers.

  4. Sending waves of positive thoughts & prayers all the way from OZ. I wish you all the very best!


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