Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Special Exposure Wednesday

The snowstorm two weekends ago left me a 'conehead' on my ramp. The storm this past weekend, left a 'cake'. I think some federal agency needs to study why two snow storms left such very different structures!

Be sure to check out all the other Special Exposure Wednesday shots at 5 Minutes For Special Needs!


  1. As your self appointed snow-planter advocate, I am advising you to just accept and appreciate their differences. ;)

  2. The differences are what make each so much more beautiful!

  3. A beautiful 'Snow Cake'. There is a movie called Snow Cake directed by Mark Evans & starring Sigourney Weaver..who plays an autistic woman. It looks like a fabulous movie..I have yet to see it myself. Can't wait.
    Here is the trailer to it...

  4. How funny - you'll be able to collect a whole series of these shots.

    I wonder what you'll get next time???

  5. That is interesting. We had some similar interesting formations in our yard too.


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