Friday, April 9, 2010


Today has been quite exciting around my house. Ronnie got his video phone installed, and he hasn't stopped smiling!

The only problem is that he doesn't have the phone numbers for his friends, his siblings and his most recent foster family. I am trying very hard to find those - they should all be in the foster family's phone directory - but unfortunately, the foster family is out of town on vacation.

So until we get those numbers, he is calling regular voice lines and keeping the relay interpreters busy. I wonder how long it will be until the call me and ask me to take away his phone privileges :)

If any of you would like to talk via videophone to Ronnie, just let me know!!

1 comment:

  1. hehe if I am at my parents house for any amount of time I will let you know and we talk on video phone!!! Mostly at my place I use skype or oovoo which is a free video chat and phone thing for the pc. freee phone calls are awsome, but I can't really use them :P



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