Friday, April 16, 2010

Liquid Strength

Tears of joy.

I wanted to be strong and persuasive. I wanted to stand tall, surrounded by my children, convincing all present that I was indeed the best choice.

I wanted my skills, my achievements, my committment and dedication to shine forth.

But all that came were tears of joy - as always happens when I talk about my children and how blessed I feel.

Then the judge cried with me and a new family was born.

Perhaps my strength has always been in those tears.


  1. How beautiful... I am so happy for you & your family!

  2. "Perhaps my strength has always been in those tears."

    That's a nice thought. And I hope you're right. Because I, too, tend to tear up (a lot) when it comes to discussing my children. Perhaps not exactly for the same reasons as you but...

  3. :-)

    one of these days I really hope I will get to meet you face-to-face.


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