Friday, April 30, 2010

See What I'm Saying

The New York Times describes the movie as "Complex, candid and all-but essential viewing for hearing audiences, Hilari Scarl's intrepid debut feature, 'See What I'm Saying: The Deaf Entertainers Documentary,' educates without lecturing and engages without effort."

Check out the movie trailer:

Everything I've read about the trailer says that it just doesn't do justice to the movie. I explored a little more and found these Hulu interviews with the stars of the movie. The movie is playing selected theaters, and I sincerely hope that it will soon be playing in my city...


  1. Hulu won't let me watch because I live in Canada, but it sounds really cool. I hope I find the time to learn sign language someday. I know a few, but not enough to get by.

  2. I'm trying to bring this to U.Va. next year. I'll let you know if it happens!

  3. Hey Doc, please do let me know if it comes to UVA! I would love to see it!

  4. Doc, one more thing, have you seen the movie "Gerald"? It's an ASL movie, and I believe it is being shown at the Governor's School here in Richmond soon. I have a conflict that evening, but if you hear of any other showings, please let me know.


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...