Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Special Exposure Wednesday

Ronnie knew he was finally accepted as a member of our family when one of our cats decided to crawl under the covers of his bed! Here he is pointing at the lump that is Kitty Carlyle!

Be sure to check out all the other Special Exposure Wednesday shots at 5 Minutes For Special Needs, and then drop back by that website at 4pm for my weekly post!


  1. Nothing better than snuggling up with a loving pet

  2. Hey, a cat is one of the hardest ones to win over, ;)

  3. when the cat accepts you then you know that you belong

  4. Quite a welcome! I agree with Just Writing--cats are hard to win over! (they all seem to think that they are gods and goddesses and wonder why we're not worshipping them, imho)

  5. Cute - our cats used to do that too.

    My friend has a cat that is very selective in who it is friends with - but for some reason he loves me!!


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