Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Special Exposure Wednesday and Contest

Have you ever been taking a lot of digital pictures and get shots that were unexpected? That happened during the Orioles/Nationals game to Chip. He was taking pictures of Ronnie's favorite player, Number 44 Adam Dunn, and because of the momentary delay on the camera, got the picture below. It has been the source of endless paroxysms of roll-on-the-floor laughing. Just think how boring the world would be without teenage boys!

Now, here's the contest part. The person who comes up with the best caption for this picture will win a $25 Target gift card! Submit your captions via comments no later than next Wednesday. My raucous teenage sons and I will pick the winner!

Be sure to check out all the other Special Exposure Wednesday shots at 5 Minutes For Special Needs!


  1. "Um, Mr. Umpire I just can't hold it any more. I need a potty break...PWEASE!!!!"

    ~Miss Amy~

  2. Hahaha - that is hilarious. Looking forward to seeing all the captions!

  3. No mom, I DON'T have to use the bathroom!

  4. "Excuse me while I"

  5. umpire: STRAY BALL
    pitcher: nope, there both here....

  6. Just checking to be sure it's still there.

  7. I went before I left home. I hate it when this happens!


  8. I know I'm too late for the contest, but my husband just commented that he can't help but think of that series of Pepto-Bismol commercials...


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...