Thursday, June 17, 2010

Walking and Wheelies

Ronnie is working so hard in physical therapy! He has set a goal for himself to be able to walk into court in October for his adoption finalization. He recently got his long-awaited orthotics, and although his therapist wants him fitted for orthotics for his upper legs and hips, he is already starting to practice his walking. And, he is doing great! He loves standing tall. He slipped up last night during therapy and said another reason he wants to walk is so he can dance!

Walking will be very hard work for him, so a wheelchair will still be a constant in his life. His therapist is also working on making him more comfortable in his chair. She is showing him how to get his chair up and down curbs when there is no curb cut. And she is teaching him how to control his chair more by letting him practice 'wheelies' in it.

He's still a little uncomfortable with the sensation of balancing on the wheels, but the therapist has assured him that it is like learning to ride a bike - once he gets the skill down, he will never forget it. Ronnie wants a sports chair so he can play basketball in a wheelchair league and that is one more reason the therapist wants him to learn more control of his chair.

I think he is really enjoying both the walking and the hotdogging in his chair. They are both one more step towards more independence for him, and that is something he longs to have.

1 comment:

  1. He is doing so well! So glad you are making him part of your family : )


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