Monday, July 12, 2010

His Brother and Sister

Ronnie's siblings visited this past Saturday. They are 10 year old twins - a boy and a girl - and they are absolutely beautiful children. Thier adoptive family was on the way to an Orlando vacation and agreed to stop by.

Ronnie had not seen his siblings for quite a while, and we just last week got the Skype session going so he could see them on the computer. That left a lot to be desired, so I was ecstatic that a visit was arranged.

As soon as they came in, they flanked Ronnie on the couch, so close to him that it seemed they were super-glued together. They don't know sign language but their eyes and their lips said how much they had missed him and how glad they were to see him. It didn't take long before they were all checking out Ronnie's bedroom and the other areas that make up Ronnie's new home. Ronnie's brother even came out and whispered in his adoptive mother's ear, "Ronnie likes the Redskins just like me!"

Their family could only stay a short while. They were facing a 16 hour drive to Florida, and it was already almost 4pm in the afternoon. There were many hugs and kisses, and promises to visit again soon. I hope those promises are kept.

I know that there were many reasons why Ronnie and his siblings couldn't be placed in the same adoptive home, but my heart was sad to see the joy, the closeness of the moments ending as everyone walked out the door. Ronnie has not seemed overly upset about the separation - perhaps he is used to it. But, I sure do wish all three of them could have been a part of our family.

I will, however, do everything I can to ensure that they are a part of our extended family. Thank you, Nadine, for the visit and the chanced to meet the siblings and the rest of your lovely family!

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