Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Special Exposoure Wednesday

I've never been one to believe that my children can't do something. But, I must admit, I never thought Ronnie would be able to ride a foot pedal bicycle. In fact, I had already been researching hand-driven bikes for him.

But last week in physical therapy, the therapist suggested Ronnie try one of the bikes they have. It was amazing! It seemed like he had been riding a bike his entire life, and the therapist had to keep telling him to slow down!

Keep in mind, Ronnie is paralyzed from the waist down due to his spina bifida.

What an amazing kid!!!

Be sure to check out all the other Special Exposure Wednesday shots at 5 Minutes For Special Needs!


  1. Awww look at him go!! What a great accomplishment!! 102* yuck! You must be on the East Coast. We are in California. We cry when its 102* lol!

  2. What a great accomplishment! We just went through "Lose The Training Wheels" with our 10 year old.

  3. Amtrykes at has bicycles adapted like the one in the photo. They raise money so your child can get it for free. Ben just got his second one and it is amazing.

  4. Holy crap! How does he do that?? Go Ronnie!

  5. Okay, you just made my day. :)

    Tammy and Parker
    @ParkerMama on Twitter

  6. What an amazing achievement!!

  7. What a fabulous discovery and I am so happy for him. What a sense of achievement!

    Thank goodness for his therapist!

  8. Go Ronnie! Whohoo!


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