Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Special Exposure Wednesday

Even though this has been one of the dryest summers on record for my little corner of the country, the herbs in my garden have really flourised. Probably because they are so closely related to weeds - and weeds are the only thing keeping my lawn somewhat green right now.

These are some pictures that my son, Chip took of my garlic chive plant. I love how the blooms look like little garlic cloves as they first start to burst forth. And just for a size reference, the little cloves are about the size of a pencil eraser, and the flower is about the same circumference as a tennis ball.

Beautiful job, Chip!


  1. I've never seen a plant like that before. Interesting... and I'm sure tasty? Lovely pictures.

  2. Very cool shots! Now for recipes? :)

  3. Great picture. How do they taste??

  4. I've never seen anything like that either and would love to see some recipes!

  5. Here's a link to a site that talks about garlic chives. I use them in recipes interchangably with regular chives. I'm told the flowers are also edible, but I haven't tried that yet.

  6. I've never heard of that plant. I have to try it next year.


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