Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Special Exposure Wednesday

We were fortunate after I adopted Ronnie to find a wheelchair accessible van. It's a really big one with a wheelchair lift that comes out of the back of the van. Even if we park in a regular handicapped parking spot, the lift still comes down into the middle of the road, and that's how we have to unload Ronnie and his chair. But then last Saturday, I saw something very interesting.

This is the parking lot at the WalMart near our house. Look closely at the handicapped parking places. One of them seems oriented perpendicular to the rest. That's because it is designed for vans just like ours!!

Thank you, WalMart, for considering the diverse needs of people with disabilities!

Be sure to check out the other Special Exposure Wednesday shots at 5 Minutes For Special Needs!


  1. That is awesome! So glad there are places doing the right thing and thinking about people with special needs.

  2. Good to know there are some places that 'get it'.

  3. Our Walmart has that too! I'm glad that some companies are making changes such as this one!

  4. We don't have a wheelchair, but I'm keenly aware of related issues as I push a double stroller nearly everywhere I go when I have all three of my kids by myself - it give me a better chance at keeping everyone safe. The other day I realized (again) how inconvenient some ramps are. At our commuter rail station I had to walk clear to the end of the parking lot and then back again to find ramps to get INTO the station...won't go into the rest. It is good that some places are realizing what is needed.

  5. That's great. At least it's one place where you won't have that problem.

  6. Yes! Our new WalMart has these spaces too! Someone was thinking!!

  7. Doesn't that just make your whole day easier? Congratulations, and happy shopping!


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