Thursday, August 26, 2010

Which Color This Time?

We’ve got just a week and a half until school starts for everyone – well, everyone but Chip. He goes back to college as a sophomore tomorrow!

Most of the back-to-school shopping is complete – new pants for Ronnie, new shoes for Jessica, Chip and Corey, lots of wipes, tissues, Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, Ziploc bags, etc. etc. that are on all the school lists. But wait! Ashley hasn’t gotten her annual pair of back-to-school Converse high-tops! How could I forget that??

I probably forgot because she already has 10 pair of Converse!! But that doesn’t really matter, does it, my sweet girl? I understand completely, said the woman who has 4 pairs of black flats.

Mark your calendar, dear Ashley – it’s shoe shopping time this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE IT!!!

    Ashely is my kind of girl.

    I weeded through my shoes this past weekend and I could finally tell the husband that I had "fewer than 40" pair of shoes...

    39 to be exact!


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