Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Special Exposure Wednesday

Yep, it's time for school to start....

Be sure to visit all the other Special Exposure Wednesday shots at 5 Minutes For Special Needs.


  1. He looks thrilled doesn't he???

    I hope he enjoys going back to school and that he is all recovered from his surgery by then.

  2. Hahaha! Looks just like mine getting ready for school!

  3. Oh boy, he looks so happy to be starting school!! NOT!
    I hope he had a great first day!

  4. Oh gosh! We're still in the excited for school phase at our house. Poor guy. School's no fun, is it?

  5. Is he tired? Our daughter is exhausted after school but she still keeps going...and going and...

  6. Speaking of which, I was hoping to get some advice from you if you get a chance. Apparently they think the little girl I'm working with may have a hearing impairment as well as being totally blind.

    I was really hoping I could get some advice from you on how to best interact with someone who is deafblind and does not know any tactile signs. If you have any advice at all I'd really appreciate it. (The reason they think she may be deaf is because she is non-verbal)

  7. I feel the same way he does, only mine is abt going to work, ;)


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...