Monday, September 20, 2010

Starting Early

The kids and I decided to visit the Williamsburg outlet stores this weekend and do some Christmas shopping. With the economy, more specifically my economy, being in the shape that it is, Christmas purchases must be spread out over several months. Of course, the primary reason Ashley wanted to go was to visit the Converse Shoe Outlet!

Chip had decided that he would get Ashley a new pair of Converse sneakers (pair number 14!) for Christmas, and he wanted her to pick out the color she wanted.

Of course, she wanted them all!!

But she finally settled on orange, and they are now safely tucked away in the Christmas present hiding place!

If only everyone was so easily pleased...

1 comment:

  1. I loved my Converse high tops 20 years ago in high school. This makes me want to get a pair again!


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