Thursday, October 28, 2010

Twenty Years of Joy and More To Come!

Twenty years ago today, at 11:40 PM, my life changed. A dream that began growing in my heart at a young age took flight, and I gave birth to the most incredible son in the world.

He and I have been through a lot together. From the day of his birth when his father was being arrested for behaviors not befitting a new parent – to the difficult times while I learned to be a single parent – to having to share his mother with four adopted siblings, some of whom caused and continue to cause great stress in both his life and mine – to the many joys we have shared – he has stood strong.

He is a good man, in the truest sense of the word good. He is caring and loving and committed. He fights for his sibling’s rights all the while keeping an eye to the future and the rights of all that are oppressed.

He wants to make the world a better place, and I know beyond any doubt that he will. The good he will do in the future is already written on his heart, and I believe that the positive difference he makes will be felt by many.

He is my heart, my love, my son. I am so proud of you, my dear Chip, proud of all you have accomplished and of all you are yet to accomplish. No mother could ask for more than you have given me.

I love you – Happy Birthday!
Chip's Mom


  1. Happy, happy birthday Chip! You are an amazing young man (can we still call him that? Well you're young to me, anyway.), and have a huge heart. I love hearing about you in this blog! :)

  2. I got chills reading this... how blessed you are!

    Happy Birthday to your dear son!


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