Friday, November 19, 2010

National Adoption Day

Tomorrow is National Adoption Day. Tomorrow many, many families will celebrate the joy that adoption has brought into their life by finalizing their children's adoptions.

We will be one of those families.

We are traveling to the Washington, DC area - all of us. We will walk forward with Ronnie to acknowledge before the court that he is really and legally a part of our family.

We will laugh and we will cry. We will be forever joined together. He is my son every bit as much as the son to whom I gave birth. I hope he feels that. I hope he knows how much we all love him, and that we will always be there for him.

I wish you could all be there to share in our celebration, but I will be sure to share pictures next week!


  1. Congratulations!! How wonderful!! Did you do this for all of your adoptions? Or is it only happening this time because of when you did Ronnie's paperwork? I'm not really sure how this works so I'm thinking it like fill put the paper work and finalize 3 months later?


  2. Dayla, this is the first time we have finalized this way. A lot of it is timing. The time to finalize for Ronnie just happened to fall close to National Adoption Day.

    From the time a child is placed for adoption in a home, it usually takes 6-8 months to get to the finalization point.

  3. Yippee!!! So happy for Ronnie and all of you! I LOVE your blog! Please join our Adoption Blog Hop.


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