Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Should I? Could I? Could You?

My journey to adoption began 15 years ago in a Methodist church hallway. I was waiting just outside the church gymnasium with my toddler son, Chip, counting down the minutes until my aerobics class would begin. I was reading the many notices on the church bulletin board when I saw a child’s face, a face filled with longing, disappointment, and what seemed to be a tad little bit of hope.

The notice on the bulletin board was from an organization called United Methodist Family Services, and it was promoting training classes for prospective adoptive parents. Something led me to taking the notice and stuffing it in my gym bag.

All throughout my aerobics class, I wondered, “Could I adopt a child?” What exactly was meant by “special needs adoption?” Would UMFS even talk to me since I had been raised in the Catholic church not a Methodist church? And most importantly, did I want another child, a second child to raise as a single parent?

That evening, after reading through the notice several more times, I decided the only way I would get my questions answered would be to contact United Methodist Family Services.

The very next morning, I called and signed up to attend the next series of special needs adoption classes….but more on that a little later.

Have you had questions similar to mine? Do you wonder what would be involved in adopting a child with special needs? Is special needs adoption the only kind of adoption? Just what does ‘special needs’ mean?

Here is a wonderful link to help you get started on finding answers to your questions. The North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) has devoted an entire section of their website detailing special needs adoption. From defining special needs, to locating an adoption agency, to investigating ways to cover adoption expenses – the answers are all there. (By the way, my four special needs adoptions have cost NOTHING.)

Take a look at the NACAC information, and then come back tomorrow for some more adoption information!


  1. Wow, that's so cool, thank you for sharing that. How long did the adoption process take?


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