Thursday, December 23, 2010

Making Deals

Breaks from the routine of school are tough for kids who thrive with routines. My kids are no exception to that. When you throw in cancelled physical therapy sessions, basketball games put on hold, and limited contact with the school mates you adore, some kids (e.g. Ronnie!) can get a bit cranky.

My solution - bribery!

For example, Ronnie does not want to continue to practice his physical therapy skills when he isn't going to have to deal with the weekly wrath of his therapist. But he still needs to practice standing with his new crutches and he still needs to work on stretching his back muscles so standing comes easier.

Here's the deal we worked out. For every 30 minutes of physical therapy practice, he gets 60 minutes of video game play.

So far it's working. What are your strategies to keep your kids on track during long school breaks?

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