Monday, December 6, 2010

Robert Latimer, Murderer

On October 24, 1993, Canadian farmer Robert Latimer decided it was time to kill his twelve-year old daughter. Tracy had cerebral palsy; she had undergone three successful surgeries to improve her quality of life. A fourth surgery was planned to ease pain from a dislocated hip. Despite the remarkable success of previous surgeries, her parents were horrified at the prospect of the fourth, and Robert Latimer decided to take matters into his own hands.

Robert Latimer planned his daughter's murder for close to two weeks. He considered administering a drug overdose, or shooting Tracy in the head, but he finally settled on gassing her to death. On a bright sunny Sunday his wife, Laura, and their other children went to church, leaving Tracy at home with Robert. He murdered her with exhaust fumes from his truck.

He took Tracy's limp body, reeking of exhaust fumes, back to the farmhouse and put it in her bed (as though sleeping) for Laura or one of their other children to find when they got home. Everything worked according to plan: Laura discovered the corpse after coming home and preparing lunch. She cried that something was wrong with Tracy and called to her husband to phone for help. Robert called the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), telling them Tracy had died in her sleep.

Robert Latimer was convicted in 1994 for second degree murder of his daughter.

Canada's National Parole Board has released the details of two special conditions its members set in granting the 57-year-old's Latimer's release from prison last week - Latimer must not have responsibility for, or make decisions for, any individuals who have a significant disability, and he must continue to participate in one-to-one psychological counselling.

Has justice been served? Absolutely not...


  1. Um....what?!?!? Seriously, that's it??? Am in shock.

  2. I could point out thousands of other cases where the Canadian justice system has failed. I love my country very much, but yeah our justice system sucks. They allow pedophiles who have been deemed a high risk to reoffend back onto the streets after a year or two. It's sickening.

    Honestly I think the reason he got out so early is because he has a low risk to reoffend. Not that that's a good reason to release him. And they don't usually care if someone is likely to reoffend anyway it seems.

  3. What's worse: Robert Lattimer or the couple that had their daughter's breast buds, uterus and thyroid (I think) removed so that she would stop growing? As much as I don't understand why he did what he did, I'm not in his shoes. As much as we'd all like to think we are unbreakable, some of us are stronger than others.

  4. I've had this post up in my reader all day because I knew I wanted to comment, but I wasn't sure what to say.

    I'm still not sure, but I wanted to add my voice to this story and to let you know that one more person knows Tracy's story. Heartbreaking.

  5. Anonymous, I agree with you. I just pray that thoughts of anything of the sort - Robert Latimer or Ashley, the little girl you speak of - ever cross my mind.

    I think some of the blame must fall on society and the lack of supports and resources for families that find themselves considering these horrible alternatives.


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...