Monday, January 3, 2011

Love Joey's!

Our plans for a Christmas break spent in the Outer Banks of North Carolina didn't work out, but we did have a wonderful time exploring our home city. We went to the zoo, played games at Dave and Busters, made glass creations at a place called All Fired Up, and ate at an awesome hot dog joint.

Joey's Hot Dogs used to exist in the corner of an Exxon gas station about a mile from our house. I had heard about how good they were, but eating at a gas station just held no appeal for me. But a few months ago, Joey graduated to a real section of a strip shopping center, and we had been wanting to try it.

We actually went on New Years Day. There were no crowds when we arrived, but people did start flowing in before we left. The hot dogs were every bit as good as I had been told, but the experience was even better.

Joey's is a small place crammed with tables and chairs. Chip told me before we went in that we would have a tough time moving two wheelchairs about. It was almost as if he was warning me so I wouldn't get upset once we did go in (what? who me?)

But I was very pleasantly surprised. The owner (Joey?) and his helper were wonderful. They helped us moved some tables, asked what we wanted (instead of having us go to counter like everyone else), brought our drinks to us, and the absolute most important thing? They didn't stare!!

The whole experience was a perfect example of accommodations being made, not singling out my family, or acting exasperated that we required some changes. I felt like we were a normal family, out for a normal lunch, and that we were welcomed by the establishment. Go figure.

So Joey, we loved your hot dogs and your apple pie a la mode, but we love you and your business even more. We will be back!!

1 comment:

  1. Just called reasonable accomodations :-)

    There are a few places that we frequent that make reasonable accomodations for us (autsim!).


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