Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Special Exposure Wednesday

Ashley is getting so brave around animals. I couldn't believe she sat this close to a llama at the zoo we visited during Christmas break. And what was even more amazing, and of course I don't have a picture of it, is that right after I snapped this picture, Ashley reached up with both hands and held the llama's face!!! Not bad for a child that is deafblind!

Be sure to check out all the other Special Exposure Wednesday shots at 5 Minutes For Special Needs!


  1. Wow, I don't think I would like to be that close to the llama, and I know my kids wouldn't! Brave girl.

  2. That must have been an awesome experience for you and her! Happy S.E.W!

  3. Wonderful that she did that. Our photos of what we did get serve as reminders of what we couldn't snap, thankfully!

  4. That is quite close to a Llama...they spit you know ;)

  5. VMI, I know!! I was worried about that :)

  6. Wow - I don't know if I'd be game enough to get that close to a llama.

  7. Not too bad at all!! Great picture!

  8. Congratulations! Our son has been getting more comfortable with pets, but I think he'd let the llama be. What did she think of the llama?

  9. SoCoMom, she seemed to like the llama better than the giraffes. This particular zoo has a raised platform so you can feed the giraffes. Little did we all know that they have very long, very slobbery tongues. She did not like that at all, and I can't say that I blame her!

  10. Llamas feel wonderful to the touch. They also have gorgeous eyelashes. Our neighbors own several, one of whom is named Tina, in honor of Napoleon Dynamite.

  11. I love Llamas! We visit a local sanctuary and my son holds out bread so the llamas stick out their lips and then he loves to feel their lips! :)

  12. what a great moment you captured!


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