Friday, January 14, 2011


Someone remind me what it feels like to sleep through an entire night...

I haven't done that for almost 14 years now. I adopted Ashley on her second birthday, and she will very soon be 16 years old. That is the explanation for the 14 years of interrupted sleep.

I define a good night as one when Ash is only up 2-3 times. A bad night finds her up every hour. I'm not sure of all the reasons that she doesn't sleep well, but her seizures probably play a role as does the fact that she is blind. And some nights, it seems like she gets up just so I will come to her room for a visit.

Some of the time I can handle the erratic sleep schedule, and other times, it wears me down to the depths of exhaustion. I'm in deep right now...

So, when you go to bed tonight, if you say prayers, ask that God gives me the strength to weather the lack of sleep. I would ask that you pray that Ashley sleep through the night, but I know that if she ever did, I would still get up just to make sure she is still breathing!


  1. Oh my goodness, I can't imagine having my sleep interrupted so much. Michael often gets up once briefly, which is fine, but the nights that he is up more than 2 or 3 times are no fun at all.

    I hope you find a way to get some rest!

  2. Every hour on the hour this week in our house! I'm hoping it's just him getting used to being back home and away from all the machines and pumps beeping at the hospital. Usually it is only a couple of times a night.

    Hope you can catch some zz's this weekend!

  3. I understand completely. Queen Teen only started sleeping through the night this past summer. Before that, I was up several times a night FOR YEARS. I never got a full night of sleep, but now that I am, I know what I was missing. I'm so sorry you're having to cope with sleep deprivation on top of everything else. I had to rely on respite not and then to stay so I could sleep at a friends to get a full night's sleep now and then. Is there anyway you could do that?


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