Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Deaf Like Me

I know it may not seem like such a big deal to most people, but when Ronnie sees a Deaf person signing on TV, he gets so excited. We saw this commercial for the first time this past weekend. Another interesting aspect of this was that the commercial aired during Amazing Race where one of the contestants is a young man who is Deaf.


  1. Thanks for sharing that!! I can't wait to see Marlee Matlin on the Apprentice too! I took ASL in college and I get so psyched when I see people signing. I actually chatted up a guy in a bar once because he was deaf and I signed "sorry" when I had to squeeze past him. His eyes lit up and he signed "you sign?" and we started chatting. I really need to brush up on my ASL. Your blog is a good reminder of that! If I ever run into you guys I want to be able to talk to Ronnie and Ashley.

  2. Do you guys watch F.B. Eye? It's a show about an FBI agent who is deaf. She has an assistance dog. It's a pretty cool show.

  3. Do you know anyone who might be willing to open their hearts and homes to this boy before he ages out? He's HOH so I thought I would share him with you!


  4. Molly, I so wish I had one more bedroom!! I would inquire about him in a sec.

    I'll check around. If he is still in the system by summertime, I *might* have room!

  5. Azaera, I've never heard of the show. What channel is it on?


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