Friday, March 25, 2011


This week we celebrated Ronnie's Gotcha Day. Exactly a year ago, my handsome son came home to his new Mom and his brothers and sisters.

It's been a year of surgeries and health issues - first girlfriends and joining a sports team for the first time. It's been a year of learning to trust and believe, a year of accepting that many people love you.

Through the year, Ronnie has dealt with his feelings of loss, his fear of the new and unknown, his insecurities and his apprehension about whether this truly will be his forever home.

I hope he's starting to believe that he really is home, that I will always be here for him, and that he is my son - wholly and completely.

All our lives changed a year ago, yet it seems like this was always the way our lives should be. He was my son before we ever met, and I will always be his mom. Whether the word is destiny or fate or a word involving divine intervention, I believe our lives were pre-ordained to be together, and I am so very thankful that we are.

Happy Gotcha Day, dear Ronnie, and always know that I love you - always have, always will.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...has it really been a year already?!? Happy belated Gotcha Day, Ronnie!!!


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...