Thursday, March 17, 2011

Picasso Face

Wednesday was a teacher workday for my school district, and I had to stay home with the kids. So, we decided to go and look at pictures of nude women with large breasts.

Wait - - - Don't call Child Protective Services. We just went to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts to see the Picasso Exhibit!

The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts is the only East Coast venue for the exhibition’s seven-city international tour. And we couldn't miss it! It was as magnificent as I imagined.

And here's something really interesting. Some of you may remember when I posted back in 2007 about an author named Jonathan Mooney. Mr. Mooney put out a call for stories - I submitted Ashley's - and he chose that story to be one of the 13 chapters in his book titled, Short Bus Stories.

In Ashley's chapter of the book, Mr. Mooney referred to Ashley's 'Picasso face'. I wasn't sure exactly how he meant that, but I interpreted it to mean she was a work of art. Today, I figured out what he meant.

Many of the subjects in Picasso's art and sculptures have eyes that look very different. It is always the left eye that is drastically different than the right. Here is an example:

Now look at my Ashley:

So there you have it! I have my very own Picasso work of art! How cool is that!


  1. I think I too must have a 'picasso face'. My left eye is a lot bigger than it should be and looks rather unusual. I'll throw that at my parents next time they start going on that I should wear my shades when going outside. *smile*

  2. Dreamer,

    Picasso's art is magnificent.

    My Ashley is magnificent.

    I'm betting you are magnificent also! Don't hide that behind shades :)


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