Thursday, March 3, 2011

Welcome To My World - The Morning

4:30 AM Wake up to the soft sound of music on my alarm clock. Make my bed.

4:35 AM Take a shower and wash my hair

4:50 AM Dry hair, put on makeup

5:15 AM Get dressed in office attire

5:20 AM Pack lunches for all the kids, feed the cat, feed the fish, start a load of laundry

5:30 AM Get backpacks ready and place near the door, set out youngest son’s braces

5:45 AM Prepare Ashley’s medicine, wake her up, pick up the room she has trashed overnight

6:00 AM Help Ashley get dressed, prepare her breakfast, feed her

6:15 AM Guide Ashley to the couch for a quick nap before the school bus arrives

6:20 AM Eat a bowl of cereal, move laundry from washer to dryer

6:30 AM Fold the laundry that was done the previous night, put it away, pack my computer bag

6:45 AM Wake up oldest son and steer him towards the shower

6:50 AM Pack my lunch, load computer, lunch and purse into car

7:00 AM Wake up other two sons, prepare their breakfast and have it waiting at the table for them

7:10 AM Sit down for 5 minutes and watch the Today Show

7:15 AM Wake Ashley from her nap, steer her towards the restroom

7:20 AM Help Ashley comb her hair, plop her in front of Sponge Bob for a few moments

7:25 AM Nag two youngest son’s to get their butts in gear

7:35 AM Make sure everyone can find hats, gloves, coats, signed school forms, etc.

7:40 AM Watch 5 minutes of Sponge Bob with Ashley

7:45 AM Lock up house and move everyone to the end of the driveway to meet the bus

7:52 AM Get everyone and all their ‘stuff’ on the bus, kiss, kiss, love you, bye

7:55 AM Get in car and drive downtown

8:30 AM Begin work at my (paying) job (note - I've already been up for four hours)

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