Monday, April 4, 2011

Paralympian in Training

Saturday was Paralympic Experience Day in our city. Sponsored by the US Paralympic team and Sportable, the local organization that runs the wheelchair basketball team on which Ronnie plays, athletes with disabilites were invited to try out some of the paralympic sports.

Ronnie had a blast!

He tried track and field events, including the javelin throw. He did such a good job that the Paralympic coach said he should definitely consider competing.

He also tried the racing wheelchairs and even had a chance to race Anjali Forber-Pratt, the world champion in the 200M and double bronze medal holder from the Paralympic Games in Beijing, China.

Ronnie really is athletically talented, and I can see him participating in the paralympics one day. We will start that journey with his participation in the 2011 Mid-Atlantic Wheelchair Games, held in June of this year.


  1. How exciting-- looks like you have a talented athlete on your hands!


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