Monday, May 2, 2011

An After-Easter Egg Hunt

VAAPVI, the Virginia Association for Parents of the Visually Impaired had planned a beeping Easter Egg hunt for the weekend before Easter. Unfortunately, we had a week and a half of monster storms, and the egg hunt had to be postponed.

It was held this past weekend, and the weather was beautiful! The beeping eggs were made by our city's police bomb squad, and then they were 'hidden' all over the football at the University of Richmond. They even made vibrating eggs for Ashley to find!

Everyone had a blast - well, except Ashley, when the Easter Bunny tried to make nice with her :)


  1. what a great event. is that Ashely grabbing the bunny's bum? lol!

  2. Yep, that was Ashley. She was pushing the bunny away :)


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