Friday, May 27, 2011

The House That Stephen (re)Built

As a homeowner, it’s really difficult sometimes to know who to trust when it comes to repair people. And, it’s even more difficult as a single parent. We hear so many stories of unscrupulous contractors, electricians, roofers, etc., and then when you need one of those people, you worry about making a wrong decision. Even checking places such as the Better Business Bureau doesn’t always allay the fears.

But several years ago, I made a decision about a general contractor that was a very good decision. It wasn’t based on anything more than a gut feel – a sense that this person was honest, caring and good.

I had finally won my case to get Medicaid to pay for bathroom modifications for Ashley. Since this was a Medicaid funded remodel, I had to use a Medicaid registered provider. I got a list from the Medicaid website, and started making phone calls. One of those calls was different than all the rest.

Stephen Curtin, of Curtin Brothers Contracting, took my bathroom remodel job and in the process became a friend.

Stephen’s work is impeccable. He understands the inconvenience to a family that accompanies a major remodel, and he does his best to minimize that disruption. He kept me informed every step of the way, and involved me in all decisions. The end result – an accessible bathroom for Ashley – was beautiful. That was three years ago.

Since then, Stephen has built me a wheelchair ramp, modified the railings on my front porch to accommodate Ashley, remodeled a second bathroom, and replaced my attic steps. So, who was the first person I called when I realized I had a water problem in my kitchen? Stephen, of course.

Stephen is trying to move away from the home remodel business and start his own cabinet making company. But he didn’t tell me no, that he couldn’t help with the kitchen. In fact, he called and agreed to begin work the very next day. He brought his friend, Ross, a plumber, and together they have resolved my water damage and plumbing problems in the kitchen – all in two days. (Just for a point of reference, a contractor recommended by my insurance company estimated three times the cost and 4 times the length of time to correct the problem.

I know the quality of Stephen’s work. I feel his commitment to his customers, and I feel a deep comfort with his level of professionalism. I was very blessed three years ago when I pulled his name off a list, and the blessings have been multiplied many times since then. My house truly is the house that Stephen (re)built!

Thank you, Stephen. Thanks also to your lovely wife, GiGi, for being a partner in all you have done for my family. Thanks to Ross whose commitment and professionalism mirror yours. You are both fine men, excellent craftsmen, and people I hope to call my friends for a long, long time.

1 comment:

  1. Debra,
    Thank you for your kind words. Working for you and your family has not only been a pleasure, but I am the one who is blessed to have a customer like you. I will always do what I can to make time for you. Your house is full of so much love and joy, it does me good to work there.

    Stephen (the contractor)


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