Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Special Exposure Wednesday

This strange flower (?) popped up in my side garden. It grew about 3 feet tall right in the middle of my iris bed. At first, it just looked like a ball (about the size of a gumball) sitting on top of a long skinny stem. Then it started to open up and look like this. We're calling it the alien flower, but if anyone has a clue as to what it really is, please tell me!


  1. Looks like garlic! It clones itself, by the way. One of the coolest plants out there. We've been growing it for about 6 years. (It's pernnial.)

  2. No idea here - but what an odd looking specimen!

  3. Looks like chives to me: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chives

  4. Chives would make the most sense. I have a garlic chive plant about 2 feet away where this thing popped up. Really interesting...


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