Monday, June 20, 2011

A Silent Reminder

Do you have a child who needs to remember to do things multiple times during the day? Maybe it's to check blood sugar, or to take medicine, or to cathe. If so, I have a great solution to help make your child more independent with those tasks.

My son, Ronnie, needs to remember to cathe every three hours. It's very important to his health, and being even 30 minutes late can make a difference. But, he doesn't like having an adult have to remind him. He is 16 and especially doesn't like having his teachers or the school nurse remind him in front of his peers. But like most teenagers, remembering something is often difficult. So I have the solution!

The Vibralite 8 watch looks just like any other watch that Ronnie's peers might wear. But on this watch, eight different alarms can be set. And the alarms do not have to be audible - they can vibrate.

So Ronnie has his watch set for 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm and 10pm. He feels the vibration, asks his teacher if he can be excused, and then tends to the cathing himself without the intervention of a teacher or school nurse.

This is HUGE for a teenager in school!

And what's even better, the watch only costs about $65 on Amazon. I'm used to assistive technology devices always being way overpriced, but this isn't. The quality is good and Ronnie is thrilled!

Check it out!

(I have not been asked to do a review by the company that makes the Vibralite 8 watch. In fact, I don't even know what company does make it. I just know that it is a simple solution for Ronnie.)


  1. What an awesome tool! Thank you for sharing!

  2. What a great idea... I'm going to go check it out. Esther-Faith will need one of those soon to remind her to cath!!


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