Monday, September 19, 2011

Thank You, Armenia!

It was a cool, dreary weekend here but the kids and I found some wonderful food to warm both our bodies and our spirits.

We went to the 53rd annual Armenian Festival!

I'd never been to it, but heard in the news that it was much like our city's annual Greek Festival, which I love but usually don't attend because the crowds are huge and not very wheelchair-friendly. The reporter on the news said that if you liked the Greek Festival that you would like the Armenian Festival also, and that the crowds were nowhere near are large.

So we piled in the car and headed to the Festival.

Parking was a bit of a problem because the festival was being held in the parking lot of the Armenian Church. That left only on-street parking, which is difficult at best when unloading wheelchairs and loading people into them. But we managed and were rewarded with some wonderful food!

I had a pork kebob with rice and pita bread. Ronnie had a chicken kebob with rice and pita bread. Chip had a beef and lamb burger which looked really really yummy, and Ashley wouldn't try anything - until I bought a cheese boreg for her. The boreg was described as Philo with Cheese Filling. It wasn't the normal yellow, gooey cheese she is used to. Rather it was feta cheese with olive oil, parsley, egg yolks and pepper. I loved it but thought she would turn up her nose at it.

I was wrong!!!

And then there were the pastries. Need I say more....

1 comment:

  1. I am jealous that you are able to enjoy something like this!! I'm Armenian but live in the middle of no where and have to make my own dishes for anything that I crave!


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