Monday, September 12, 2011

We Shall See

Apparently I ruffled some feathers last week with all my calls and emails about school bus schedules. On Friday, I got a call from the head of transportation and one from the director of special ed. The special ed director even offered compensatory services for the time that Ronnie has missed by being at least 30 minutes late for school each morning.

After I arrived home from work, I got a phone call from the second in command of transportation. That gentleman said that beginning Tuesday, Ronnie would have a different bus and a different schedule. The new schedule has him being picked up at 8:17am.

Of course, the first bus had a promised schedule of 8:20 am so I guess I will have to wait and see if the new bus will actually be on time. I sure hope so...


The weekend was difficult with all the 9-11 tributes. I watched hours of shows, almost as much as I watched when the events were originally unfolding. My grief and sadness was just a raw as it was then, and the tears just as plentiful.


When I wasn't watching the 9-11 tributes, I was absorbed by my own little marathon of The Good Wife. I never watched the show when it was on TV, but several months ago, I started watching season one on Netflix. After just a couple of shows, I was hooked. I couldn't wait for season two to come out on DVD, which it did this weekend. Now I just have to get in 16 shows before season three starts this coming Sunday!!

1 comment:

  1. I love The Good Wife!

    I didn't watch any of the 9/11 tributes. As you said, it's still too painful.


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