Monday, November 21, 2011

"I Don't Want Pity"

We parents of children with disabilities spend a lot of time talking and writing about the lack of accessibility and accommodations for our children. I know that at times I have gotten down right angry when, for example, non-disabled movie-goers use the handicapped seating at the theater or when I can't find a close parking spot. But compared to some people in Africa, what we experience seems like nothing more than a mild annoyance.

The subject of disability in Africa is not often discussed in the media, but a new documentary film aims to address this.

The film, Body and Soul, was shot in Mozambique's capital Maputo and follows the day-to-day lives of three young disabled people.

It reveals the challenges and discrimination they face - some children in Mozambique are not sent to school for example - but also reveals the strength and determination of each of the film's main characters.

Check out this link for the movie trailer, but be sure to have some tissues handy. Trust me, you will need them.

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