Wednesday, December 21, 2011

On To The Moon!

Tuesday we visited our local science museum. We have a family membership primarily because it gets up free admission to our museum but also to hundreds of others across the country. We used it a lot last summer around our state. It really is the best $100 I have ever spent!

Here is my astronaut in training, Miss Ashley! Look closely and you can see her head in the helmet...

TODAY'S CLUE: I had no idea how much daycare cost until I visited one today for a tour!

(The guesses that have come in are good, but not quite correct yet...keep trying!)


  1. Adopting a baby? That would be cool. A little nuts, but cool nonetheless.

  2. Sorry I don't have time to email! I'm guessing fostering a baby..with the hopes of adoption.

    ps I can't wait to see baby pics!!!


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...