Monday, December 19, 2011

Spider Man

Today begins the first day of my two week vacation! TWO WEEKS! The last time I had two weeks off from work was for maternity leave for my oldest son, Chip. Chip is now 21 years old!

My posting schedule may be a little off these two weeks, but I am going to try to document these historic two weeks through pictures. And, I have a major announcement coming later this week!

First - the picture. Ronnie and some members of his wheelchair basketball team went rock climbing this past Saturday. It was so exciting to see the boys and one girl pull themselves up with arm strength only. They did this last year, but this year they were much faster! And then secondly - I will provide a clue about my announcement at the end of each post. If you think you know what the announcement is, email me. But, your guesses have to be very specific!

TODAY'S CLUE - I first met Ashley in December...Jessica and Corey joined our family in December....and I first heard about Ronnie in December.


  1. I have a hunch, but i'm going to wait for another clue!

  2. I think youre going to have another baby (or young adult) join your household!!


Because the trolls have been around, I have to moderate comments. Sorry...